Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Migrate Module and Important SEO Data

Currently, the modules for some important SEO info are in a bit of flux, so at the time that this article is being written I have chosen to go with two modules, Page Titles and Metatags Quick:

Assuming that you have already setup the modules, and for metatags you have enabled a field (my case will be the description), I will be focusing on getting data into these modules' fields using the Migrate Module.

Unfortunately, it doesn't appear (to me at least) that the Page Title data is exposed as a field in association with your node. So, my solution was to create an entire Migration class solely for the Page Title. If you take a look at the Migrate Extras module, it only supports Page Title as a destination in 6.x. This isn't a big deal for us because it is easy to deduce that Page Title is storing all of it's data in a table, so we can use the MigrateDestinationTable specifying the 'page_title' table:

$this->destination = new MigrateDestinationTable('page_title');

Unfortunately, the automatic deduction of the destination schema was giving me some hiccups which resulted in Migrate telling my that it couldn't find the column destid1 during the import. If you check the map tables for this migration you'll see it is completely missing any destination columns. So, my schema definition looks a little something like:


     array('type' => array('type' => 'varchar',

                           'length' => 15,

                           'not null' => TRUE,

                           'description' => 'Page Title Module Entity Type'),

           'id' => array('type' => 'int',

                         'unsigned' => TRUE,

                         'not null' => TRUE,

                         'description' => 'Page Title Entity ID',                       


The rest is pretty straightforward at this point. Now we have the page title ready to go, the next thing I wanted to include was the description metatag.

For this, I created a MigrateFieldHandler that does all the heaving lifting for me. Below is the code I utilized for the metatag field:

class MigrateMetaTagsQuickFieldHandler extends MigrateFieldHandler {

 public function __construct() {



 public function prepare($entity, array $field_info, array $instance, array $values) {

   $arguments = array();

   $language = $this->getFieldLanguage($entity, $field_info, $arguments);

   // Setup the standard Field API array for saving.

   $delta = 0;

   foreach ($values as $value) {

     $item = array();

     $item['metatags_quick'] = $value;

     $return[$language][$delta] = $item;



   return isset($return) ? $return : NULL;



As usual, feel free to hit me up if you have any questions!

Update: This is now available via patch in an issue for the migrate extras module:


Update #2: After running this migration against production data, it turns out that we have some unfortunately long meta descriptions in the source data.  For my purposes, I'll get the data cleaned up after moving to Drupal, but in the meantime I needed to modify the length of the field in the Metatags Quick module, which is defaulted to 255 w/o any options for modification.  I have since created a patch that grants access to a max_length setting in an issue comment thread:



  1. I think you can drop lines 13-15 since the values are never used.

  2. Thanks for noticing that Andrew, I pulled those lines out.

  3. Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!

    SEO Specialist Chennai
